Pathmakers - Roger
"In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject. The little human detail can become a Leitmotiv." ~ Henry Cartier Bresson
I ran into Roger on the Deer Brook Trail. There was a lot of commotion occurring with some crew running up hill to tie loose ends on a trail section near-complete, while others headed down hill to help align the next big unit of work. But Roger was clearly anchoring the main site, and this left a subtle impression on me. In the middle of all of the bustle occurring around him, he quietly pushed on, aligning boulders with rock bar to create a solid, level walking tread to keep people's feet dry and to help protect the soils along Deer Brook from erosion. All of Roger’s effort came stamped with discreet purpose and his own dependability and placidity. Even with just my short time around him, I could never imagine Roger with much of a complaint. I observed several instances of crew members looking for extra hands to help with their individual tasks. Each time they went to Roger. He always stopped without objection, and with a kind smile, walked over to assist taking measures, to provide some extra muscle moving rock, or to safely guide the specific activity. …and then back again to his own work. The dominant reoccurring theme at Deer Brook was Roger going about business in his own quiet, understated way, which to my eyes was reflected back in the seamless utility and beauty of the crew's trail improvements.
Happy 100th birthday NPS!
Hasselblad 500C medium format SLR camera + Zeiss 80mm f/2.8 lens + Kodak Professional Tri-X 400 black and white film
~Dan Grenier
2015 Artist in Residence
Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park