National Audubon at Hog Island - David
“Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another.” ~ Plato
David participated in the educator’s week session held by the National Audubon Society on Hog Island, and it seemed that each time I turned around he was there engaged and involved in conversation. …and he was contagiously excited about sharing, learning, and teaching in general terms. David, without question, is most eager and enthusiastic about math, science, and engineering. Yes, yes, yes astronomy! What struck me about him in particular, but really all participating in educator’s week, was how articulate he was expressing his thoughts and questions, and how he framed his words to make you excited and equally engaged. It just makes sense that David teaches. I also noticed that he naturally connects people to others with similar ideas and interests in attempt to make things happen. How cool! Anyway, I think David’s easy personality shows here. It’s impossible not to like him, huh? David, thank you for bringing positivity to the world and for helping others be better people. Please know that I am inspired from our time together. Much respect.
Hasselblad 500C medium format SLR + Zeiss 80mm f/2.8 lens + Kodak Professional Tri-X 400 black and white film
~Dan Grenier
2017 Artist in Residence
National Audubon Society, Hog Island