Acadia Pathmakers - Gary and his crew
Gary and his crew
"You see something, and you really see it, and then you must spend your life to get other people to see it. And that's been my story all my life." ~June Leaf
This photograph has a group snapshot feel, which falls a bit outside of what I was going for with my project. Still, I believe that it proves to be the most important photograph of the set because it successfully includes Gary, the Trail Crew Superintendent, seen on the far left. Without question, Gary’s long-term vision for the trail system, funneled through the crew and stewarded over decades, equates to that experience, which for many is Acadia National Park - A near-Zen minimal viewpoint connecting people to nature in a most subtlety Maine way. Stewardship and sense and importance of place equate to a relevant chain of history... It seems so obvious to me now, but had not completely occurred to mind until shown via granite, chisel, wood, dirt, rock bar, muscle, never-ending drive, smarts, and ingenuity. Thank you Gary and the Acadia trail crew for all that you do to protect and share this bit of our natural heritage. We are all in your debt.
With the greatest respect,
Linhof Technika large format field camera + Schneider-Kreuznach 150mm f/5.6 lens + Kodak Professional Tri-X 320 black and white film
~Dan Grenier
2015 Artist in Residence
Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park
Acadia Centennial Art Show
"Lobster Boat at Schoodic Point" ~Phil Barter
Hey folks,
If you find yourself in Winter Harbor this month, please stop in at Hammond Hall to see some great art that celebrates Acadia National Park (including one of my own silver prints). I hope to see you there!
~Dan Grenier
2015 Artist in Residence
Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park
Pathmakers - Print Enlargement
"God, or the gods, are invisible, quite understandable. But holiness is visible, entirely." ~Mary Oliver, Felicity
I thought I might show a bit of my process for those who may have interest. ...and to remind you to step away from your screen to make something with your hands!!!
Kodak Professional Tri-X black and white negative film, Beseler 45 enlarger, Ilford contrast filters, and Oriental traditional silver fine art paper
~Dan Grenier
2015 Artist in Residence
Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park