National Audubon at Hog Island - Outside Lies Magic


“GET OUT NOW. Not just outside, but beyond the trap of the programmed electronic age so gently closing around so many people…. Go outside, move deliberately, then relax, slow down, look around. Do not jog. Do not run…. Instead pay attention to everything that abuts the rural road, the city street, the suburban boulevard. Walk. Stroll. Saunter. Ride a bike, and coast along a lot. Explore…. Abandon, even momentarily, the sleek modern technology that consumes so much time and money now…. Go outside and walk a bit, long enough to forget programming, long enough to take in and record new surroundings…. Flex the mind, a little at first, then a lot. Savor something special. Enjoy the best-kept secret around—the ordinary, everyday landscape that rewards any explorer, that touches any explorer with magic…all of it is free for the taking, for the taking in. Take it. take it in, take in more every weekend, every day, and quickly it becomes the theater that intrigues, relaxes, fascinates, seduces, and above all expands any mind focused on it. Outside lies utterly ordinary space open to any casual explorer willing to find the extraordinary. Outside lies unprogrammed awareness that at times becomes directed serendipity. Outside lies magic.”
—John Stilgoe, Outside Lies Magic

Linhof Technika large format field camera + Schneider-Kreuznach 150mm f/5.6 lens + Kodak Professional Tri-X 320 black and white film

Dan Grenier
2017 Artist in Residence
National Audubon Society, Hog Island


National Audubon Society at Hog Island – Martin and Kathleen


~ Kathleen & Martin


“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

Kathleen and Martin participated in the raptor focused session held by the National Audubon Society on Hog Island.  They had both been to the island before, but the last time the weather was not in their favor.  Given their return, it still left a lasting impression.  They both had been pulled in via the osprey, but it was clear from our conversations that their interest had spring boarded into natural history, ecology, and ornithology.
Martin and Kathleen came to “Audubon Camp” this year as part of their honeymoon.  Yes, they marked this special life moment by being together in this uniquely Maine place focused on nature-based learning.  One has to admire their interest and desire to be connected to the natural world.  

Congratulation, Martin and Kathleen!  Thank you for your example and for making this photograph with me.  Warm wishes you way.

Linhof Technika large format field camera + Schneider-Kreuznach 150mm f/5.6 lens + Kodak Professional Tri-X 320 black and white film

Dan Grenier
2017 Artist in Residence
National Audubon Society, Hog Island


National Audubon Society at Hog Island – Cleo, Kristi, and Julia


-Cleo (left), Kristi (right), and Julia (middle)


"It's around the table and in the preparation of food that we learn about ourselves and about the world." -Alice Waters

This is Chef Cleo and sous support Kristi, and Julia.  They are, without question and for obvious reason, the most loved on Hog Island.   ...and let me say that Cleo and her crew make sure that nobody goes hungry.  Prior to each meal, time is taken to describe what was is being served, how it was prepared, and when local sources were used (something that is stressed from the kitchen).  Cleo provides options for alternative diets, and again, goes out of her way to ensure that all leave content.  This may seem like a small thing, but it's not.  Though not voiced direct to me, it's clear that the food experience at Hog Island is thought out to make sure that all are in the best place to connect with nature, to learn about Maine island ecology, and about their place in the world.  Eliminating any food concern is clearly weighed integral by Cleo, Julia, and Kristi for larger Audubon programmatic success. Very neat.

Thank you, Cleo, Kristi, and Julia, for your kindness, for taking care of me during my time on-island, and for helping to provide for my exceptional experience with National Audubon.   We made a nice photograph, huh?  I love it!  Much appreciation.

Linhof Technika large format field camera + Schneider-Kreuznach 150mm f/5.6 lens + Kodak Professional Tri-X 320 black and white film

Dan Grenier
2017 Artist in Residence
National Audubon Society, Hog Island


Stack of Inspiration


Century large format view camera #2 + Wollensak Velostigmat 12" f/4.5 lens + Fuji 8x10 green sensitive medical x-ray film

By the way, how do you like my "new" mirrorless camera? It looks like it dates to the early 1900's. Go big or go home!

I metered at ISO 80 and developed in Rodinal diluted to 200:1 for 10 minutes, for those interested.



Acadia Pathmakers - Gary and his crew


Gary and his crew


"You see something, and you really see it, and then you must spend your life to get other people to see it.  And that's been my story all my life."  ~June Leaf

This photograph has a group snapshot feel, which falls a bit outside of what I was going for with my project.  Still, I believe that it proves to be the most important photograph of the set because it successfully includes Gary, the Trail Crew Superintendent, seen on the far left.  Without question, Gary’s long-term vision for the trail system, funneled through the crew and stewarded over decades, equates to that experience, which for many is Acadia National Park - A near-Zen minimal viewpoint connecting people to nature in a most subtlety Maine way.  Stewardship and sense and importance of place equate to a relevant chain of history...  It seems so obvious to me now, but had not completely occurred to mind until shown via granite, chisel, wood, dirt, rock bar, muscle, never-ending drive, smarts, and ingenuity.  Thank you Gary and the Acadia trail crew for all that you do to protect and share this bit of our natural heritage.   We are all in your debt.

With the greatest respect,

Linhof Technika large format field camera + Schneider-Kreuznach 150mm f/5.6 lens + Kodak Professional Tri-X 320 black and white film

~Dan Grenier

2015 Artist in Residence

Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park

Pathmakers - Alex




"No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.”  ~Ansel Adams


This is Alex.  She was one of the first National Park Service trail crew staff I met on the ground in Acadia National Park.  After hellos, our conversation quickly turned to photography.  She was aware of vintage camera gear and was excited about the opportunity to make a photograph with me.  This one turned out great, huh?  I really love it!

Spending time with Alex, one quickly realizes that she is smart, determined, and engaged in and driven by her work.  Her dedicated spirit is expansive, and she proved to be excited to share and educate me, and surely all others who cross her path, on the importance the foot trail system plays in the park.  Alex was also well-versed in the technical aspects of trail building.  She near always had a tool in hand, ready-on-the-go, and was deeply involved in crew conversations related to their work detail and approach.  I watched her push and pull rock bar using her all, swinging sledge and leveraging rock with pulley and wire rope.  No doubt, Alex is a bundle of purposeful intensity, but she also was easy with a smile and close with her colleagues.  Shared chuckles, and friendly ribbing, Alex and the crew’s connection was highlighted on down time as they huddled on tarps eating lunch.  It was a privilege to experience this wholesome group effort, which Alex was part of.

We traded emails after I finished the field portion of my residency.  Alex was anxious to see the imagery we created together, and wanted to use the photograph to help respond to questions others had concerning her motivation, ability and adeptness, and role on the trail crew.  She said, “I want people to know that there are women out there working hard, and often times, working harder than most.  I want this photograph to express the resilience and dedication of strong working women.”  To my mind, she’s more than succeeds on all fronts.  And the photo is fantastic too.  Thank you, Alex, for being inspirational, and for being that resolute force that is you.        


Once more, a reminder that 2016 marks the 100 year anniversary of the U.S. National Park Service.  Find your park, and get out and enjoy!


Linhof Technika large format field camera + Schneider-Kreuznach 150mm f/5.6 lens + Kodak Professional Tri-X 320 black and white film


~Dan Grenier

2015 Artist in Residence

Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park